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Retrieve data without knowing how to program

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This is where you will spend most of your time creating a template. Fast, easy, & painless here is what makes Windward pleasant.

The select or query is how you specify what data to use in a tag (a tag is how you apply your data in the template). The select wizards, one each for SQL, JSON, XML, Salesforce, & OData, make it easy to specify these queries, even if you don't know the query language. It is a combination of selecting the data you want from a tree displaying the structure of your data and then selecting from menus to specify what specific data you want.

The wizard then writes the query for you on the fly, showing you the data it will return. As you craft the query, this makes it clear what data you are requesting. This provides an easy, intuitive, & clear means to query your data.  

This is key to why Windward is so important for your document creation process. Read more on our blog post about why selecting and setting up wizards is so easy and important.

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