Creating loan agreements doesn’t have to be time-consuming and error-prone, here are some best practices to know, use these tips to start generating them quickly and error-free.
Companies today hit a brick wall when it comes to creating complex documents that require data from multiple sources or auto-populate the dynamic fields in the document with the right data based on multiple set conditions or logic and Windward can help you.
Here we present the best insurance document automation benefits and best practices. So instead of having your agents drafting different documents and seeking approval the whole day, you can leave this task to technology.
Windward simply requires a datasource to connect to and it will help create stunning charts automatically using the data provided. Know more about the different types of charts you can create.
Creating legal notices doesn’t have to be time-consuming and error-prone, here are some best practices to know, use these tips to start generating them quickly and error-free.
Creating invoices doesn’t have to be time-consuming and error-prone, here are some best practices to know, use these tips to start generating them quickly and error-free.
Creating lien documents doesn’t have to be time-consuming and error-prone, here are some best practices to know, use these tips to start generating them quickly and error-free.
Windward is the software behind automatic document creation for many successful companies worldwide and we can help you conquer your pain points when it comes to document generation.
Going digital with our documents is one sure way to reclaim the environment. Here are some benefits of digitizing document creation and the impact it would have on the environment.
Creating agreements doesn’t have to be time-consuming and error-prone, here are some best practices to know, use these tips to start generating them quickly and error-free.
Creating contracts doesn’t have to be time-consuming and error-prone, here are some best practices to know, use these tips to start generating them quickly and error-free.
Document generation will no longer be an IT-driven task but a Business-user driven initiative. Eliminate the technical challenge of designing and creating a document with Windward Core.